Daniel 10-12

These chapters of Daniel continue to offer prophetic insights into future events, focusing on the struggles and challenges that Israel will face, particularly during the time of the Greek and Seleucid empires. The visions highlight the spiritual battles at play, the rise and fall of earthly powers, and the ultimate hope of resurrection and everlasting life. The chapters remind readers of God's sovereignty, the importance of remaining faithful, and the promise of a future restoration.

Daniel 10-12

Daniel Chapter 10: In this chapter, Daniel receives a vision of a great man, a heavenly being, who appears to him after he has been fasting and praying for understanding. The being explains that he was delayed due to a spiritual battle with the "prince of Persia." The being provides Daniel with insights into future events, particularly regarding the struggles and conflicts that will affect Israel.

Daniel Chapter 11: This chapter contains a detailed prophecy about the rulers and events of various kingdoms, primarily the Greek and Seleucid empires. The chapter describes the power struggles, alliances, and conflicts that will take place among these kingdoms. The latter part of the chapter introduces the figure of the "king of the North" (Antiochus IV Epiphanes), who will oppress Israel and desecrate the temple.

Daniel Chapter 12: The final chapter continues the prophecy, detailing the time of distress and tribulation that will come upon Israel. It also introduces the concept of the resurrection, with some rising to everlasting life and others to everlasting shame. The chapter concludes with Daniel being instructed to seal the prophecy until the time of the end, emphasizing the importance of endurance and understanding during difficult times.